Curse of the Kat – ch 70

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Chapter 70 – The cat meets true weirdos

Well, now I know why people usually don’t go to beach to have fun in this world.
It’s slimes.
They blend in with the water to ambush unsuspecting victims.
You can’t even effectively exterminate them.
Even for me with my enhanced senses, it’s hard to detect them.
They don’t give off any noticeable scent and look exactly like water if you don’t notice their core.
According to the guild staff, there were some casualties in the past and most people avoid the beach nowadays.
Only those who are strong and vigilant enough to deal with them go there.

Well, why didn’t you say anything, Mable?
Were you relying on me saving the day?
After boldly stating ‘these girls are under my protection’?
Have some shame…

Well, anyway…
The beach was a bust.
But fear not, me!
There are plenty of other fun things to do!
Such as…
Well, you know…
I’m not that famous in this place yet.
People don’t know what I’m capable of.
In other words, they are inclined to think of me as some sort of weak and gullible catgirl…
That’s right!
Operation ‘Kitten bait’, attempt number two!
Let’s go!


It’s the evening after the whole beach ordeal.
Despite feeling like an absolute piece of trash earlier today, I feel great now!
Good thing the tiger soul’s after-effects don’t last very long.

Of course, I left the sword back at the inn and went alone.
The other girls are already asleep, so all I had to do was to sneak out of the room.
Not that difficult.
Weeell, then…
Let’s see now…
Is this city also riddled with kidnappers?
I hope so!

That’s kind of messed up that I’m hoping for it, isn’t it?
Eh, whatever!
Let’s hunt!

I slowly walk through the dark streets as I look up at the shiny moon.
I purposefully pick the places without much traffic.
And exactly as I expect, I soon find myself surrounded.
Nyahaha, all according to the plan!

Did I just do a cat giggle in my head?

“Well, hello there little missy… what are you doing here all alone?”
Why, I’m trying to bait out people like you, of course!

“It’s dangerous to wander the streets at night…”
“That’s right! How about you let us take care of you…?”
Wow, you guys are so creepy…
Now I don’t need to feel any remorse for what’s about to happen!
Prepare for-



A voice echoes in the narrow street and everyone looks up to see the source.
It’s two small silhouettes standing on top of the buildings.
Both of them are wearing a black cloak and something like a top hat, gripping it in a way to cover their eyes and only show their grin.
As I freeze at the appearance at the two bizarre characters, they jump down right next to me, each of them positioning themselves between me and one of the kidnapper groups.
Taking a closer look, they are wearing odd masquerade masks and are barely taller than me.
One of them has moonlight-blue hair and eyes while the other has sunset-red hair and eyes.
I can’t tell whether they are girls or boys though.

“W-who the hell?!”
One of the criminal blurts out what everyone here is thinking.

“W-wait… I know you! Aren’t you guys-”

“That’s right!”
“In the brightest day!”
“In the darkest night!”
“Do not dismay!”
“For we, will fight!”
They strike a pose with an open hand in front of their face.

Excuse me?

“H-hey, let’s run! These guys are-”
“The hell are you on about?! Do you seriously think I’ll run from little kids playing heroes?!”
Oh, one of the guys decided to charge us.
Collect myself, me!
I gotta do somethi-

What happened?
He suddenly floated up and smashed into the side of the wall.

“Foolish evildoers! You think your evil can surpass me? The elemental twin?!”

Can you…
Talk like a normal person?
Also, what’s up with that?
The elemental twin?
Your hair is red, so why are you using elements other than fire?

Meanwhile on the other side, yet another one of the kidnappers tried to charge us and failed.
This time, he’s lying on the ground bound with thin string.

“Futile! There’s no way you can touch me, the string twin!”

Oh I get it.
I see now!
I never went outside to bait kidnappers…
I went to sleep and this is just a crazy dream!
Ahaha, well that explains everything!


But those screams are strangely realistic.

All of the kidnappers are already out cold and bound with strings.
That was… really quick.

“Are you alright, miss?”

“… yes?”

“”Glad to hear that!””
“Now then, please take care miss!”
“The night is dangerous!”
“And if anything feels amiss…”
“Don’t forget to call us!”
It’s really annoying having to look back and forth to-
They disappeared.

Wait, what?
Nonono, what is this?!
Not just their appearance, but I can’t even smell their scent!
Is this some sort of instant teleportation?!

I slowly take off my right glove and then use my fingers to pinch myself.

It’s not a dream, is it?

“We heard someone has been attacked here! What happ-… huh?”
Hello, sir guard.
You see…
Even if you ask me what happened…
I have no idea.

“Phantom heroes…?”
“Twins of justice…?”
It’s as cringy as it sounds.

“Haha… it’s kids playing heroes, isn’t that adorable?”
It would be…
If it weren’t for the fact that they were genuinely strong.
And also the fact that they somehow managed to prevent me from being able to track them…
It’s not easy to fool my enhanced senses, you know?

“Well, cheer up! From what you said, they don’t seem like bad people, do they?”
Well, not really…
But I have a sneaking suspicion that they are reincarnators.
That instant teleport ability can’t be the product of simple magic.
Especially not if they are young kids.

And something tells me I’m gonna meet them again.

“By the way, what were you doing out at night all alone?”

“Umm… observing… the moon?”

“You’re a pretty terrible liar, aren’t you?”
What are you talking about?
I have never lied in my entire life!

“Well, whatever. I’m not gonna pry.”
Oh, she dropped it.

“Let’s have some breakfast, shall we?”

Just as Mable suggested, we exited our room and walked downstairs into the inn’s lounge and ordered breakfast.
And that’s when…
My nose picked up a familiar scent.
Or rather, two familiar scents.

… I knew I would meet them again.
But this is way too soon.

At a table far away from us, there sat a boy and a girl in their teens, eating breakfast and chatting.
Both of them had black hair, the girl longer than the boy’s.
They looked nothing like what they did yesterday.
But I still knew their true identity because of their scent.

“She was way too cute! I wanted to rub those cute kitty ears of hers!”
“Haha, yeah! I wish I could hug her!”

I have a feeling I know what they are talking about.
But let’s ignore it for now, shall we?

I walk up to their table and look at them.
They stop their conversation and look at me with a smile.

“Umm, do you need something?”
Wow, perfect actors, aren’t they?
They didn’t even flinch when I approached them.

Now, what do I say?
‘I know it was you two!’
‘Are you not embarrassed?’
‘Hello, I believe we haven’t met before.’

I got it…
Put on a nice smile aaaand…

“Hello, twins of justice.”
Oh, these shocked expressions…
I love it.
Let me savor it…
Revenge is sweet.

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