Curse of the Kat – ch 4

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Chapter 4 – The cat tours the city

After the blood-soaked battle finished, I exited the station and entered the city.
The adventurer trio was waiting there.

“Miss Nina! We heard screams! What happened in there?!”
They heard me scream like a little girl.
Please forget about it as soon as possible.

“Err… Umm…”
Come on, brain!
Come up with an excuse!

“… let’s walk you around the city as we promised, okay?”
Oh, my angel…
You recognized I don’t want to talk about it and changed the topic!
You truly are a gift from the heavens.

“… right, let’s go then.”
And so, we went.
While the two girls guided me, Jun left for the adventurer’s guild to turn in the wolves.

That’s the name of this city.
And it’s exactly what I would expect from the specs I selected for this world.
It has this medieval fantasy feel to it.
I approve.
Although, there aren’t any fantasy races, like elves, around…

As we walked, I committed every important place to my memory.
The inns.
The popular stalls.
The medical facility.
Any shop I might want to use in the future.
All of them were memorized.

Even though sightseeing was never one of my hobbies, I actually had fun this time.
The stares from the passing people…
I could do without those.
I did my best enduring the shame of wearing this outfit.
But that didn’t stop anyone from gluing their eyes on me…
Are beast people that rare in these parts?
Not that I am a beast person…

“Hey, here you are!”
It’s Jun, he’s back.

“As promised, here’s the reward for the two wolves.”
He handed me four silver coins.
That’s not that much, is it?
It’s only enough to enter this city four times.

Actually, there are no pockets in this dress.
I guess I have to hold it in my cat paws for now.

“No problem. You saved us after all. … so, umm, are you guys done touring?”
He asked the two girls and they gazed at me.

“Yeah, this is enough. Thanks a lot.”
The sun is setting and I think they’ve shown me everything I needed.
Let’s end this here.

“No, we thank you for saving us!”

“Haha, yeah. See you later miss Nina!”
And so, we parted ways.
Goodbye my angel~
They were a good bunch.
But being alone is the best, after all.

Now then…
First things first.
I need a bag or something.
I can’t just keep carrying all my money on hand.
Onto the first stop!

The doorbell rings as I enter the shop.
“Welcome! (Huh? What a weird getup.)”

A bearded man covered in muscles ‘greets’ me.
I could hear even the whispered part.
But… did he notice I was a human right away?
That’s a first.

Anyway, this shop is called Rennack’s treasures.
It sells all sorts of miscellaneous stuff.
Everything in here was acquired from dungeons, apparently.
The wares range from shining crystals and enchanted charms to smelly robes and suspicious potions.
But my aim is…

“How much does an item bag cost?”
An item bag.
A magical item able to hold a large amount of stuff while remaining light and compact.

“An item bag, huh? Well, the cheapest one will cost you ten silvers.”
Ten silvers…
I don’t have enough for that.

“I see…”

“What? This is really cheap for an item bag, you know?”

“Y-yeah sorry. I don’t know the prices…”
I try to leave, but he speaks again.

“Hey now. If you need something to carry that money in, I can give you an armbag. This one should only cost a hundred and eighty coppers.”
He noticed the coins grasped in my glove.
Really sharp, isn’t he?
But I guess the bag fits my needs.
Let’s buy it for now.

“Then, I’ll take it.”
I hand over two silver coins and get back two big copper coins.
Did I just get scammed?

“Didn’t you say it was… hundred-eighty coppers?”

“Hmm? Yeah.”

Did he just admit he scammed me?

“Miss… you gave me two silver coins, worth two hundred coppers. And I returned two big copper coins, worth twenty coppers.”

“O-oh… I-I see…”
So that’s how it works…
10 small copper = 1 big copper.
10 big copper = 1 small silver.
I get it now.
I’m sorry for thinking you are a scammer!

“… where did you come from to not know the values of coins?”

“F-from very far away…”
My favorite excuse.
It’s not a lie, either.

“Very far away, huh? Well, welcome to Buanna then!”
Unexpectedly friendly.
Is this man actually a really good person?
And I thought he was a scammer?!
I’m the worst!
Shame on me!

“And make sure to not get scammed, miss!”


I thank the old man and leave the store.
Why is talking to people always such a nightmare?
Well, at least I learned the value of these coins…

Now then, I’m hungry.
In this part of the city, there are food stalls.
Anything from fresh bread to juicy fruits are sold here.
But right now, I want meat.

“One rabbit meat skewer, please.”

“That will be twenty copper coins.”

“Twenty… here.”

“Here’s your skewer! Come again!”

“Thanks. Bye!”

Did I just successfully talk to someone without causing a disaster?
My communication skills are improving!
Go, me!

The meat is quite good.
Even without modern spices and cooking techniques.
A pleasant surprise.

Now then…
2 small silver coins left.
I need to quickly find a way to make money.
Registering as an adventurer seems like the obvious choice, so let’s try going there first thing in the morning.
But now…
A place to sleep.

From the tour, I knew of several inns.
I headed to the one recommended by Lisa, my angel.

What’s with that pause?
Lady, do you know it’s rude to stare at people with your mouth agape?
The people sitting at the tables, that applies to you too!
My cat outfit?
Please don’t mind it.
I have already died of shame and ascended beyond it.
I don’t care anymore.

“Is there an empty room for one?”

“Huh? … Um… let me see… yes, there is.”

“Then, how much for one night?”

“Including the breakfast, it will be one silver coin.”
I have enough for two nights…
But I don’t want to spend all my money at once.

“Then, One night please.”
I hand over a silver coin and receive the key to my room.
Doing my best to ignore the stares, I climb up the stairs and find the door to my room.
The door creaks open and I walk inside.
It’s a small room with a bed and a bedside table.
There’s also a window, but it’s one that just lets some light in without letting you see what’s outside.
What are those called, again…?
Well, whatever.
Now then…

Bend my knees!
Jump toward the bed!
Open my arms!
Aaaand laaan- GAH!

Isn’t the softest of beds.

How should I sleep?
I don’t have any pajamas.
The only thing I have is this cat outfit…
I guess I’ll sleep in my underwear.

As I take off my slippers, gloves and dress, alarm goes off in my head.
How safe is this locked door?
What if someone breaks it down and assaults me?
Should I keep on the entire outfit to make sure I can defend myself?
But that would make for a really uncomfortable sleep…

A compromise.
I’ll keep on the ear headband, the slippers and the underwear.
I should be able to detect a possible intruder before they break in with the ears.
And the speed increase from the slippers should be enough to fend them off.
The perfect plan.

W-well, I still hope nobody is gonna try to break in.
But better safe than sorry.

But man…
What a crazy day…
Even though it’s been long overdue… I died.
And then got another chance to live in a world I myself customized…
I wonder why I wasn’t too surprised by all of this.
Well, never mind.
Finally, I get some sleep.
Good night~

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